A Conversation With My Mother


Don’t Quit 

A Conversation With My Mother 
by: aurora l. threats 

I’ve worked hard all my life 
But, I didn’t quit 
Logs for a fire 
I would split 

To survive you must have grit 
I chopped cotton, picked cotton 
Weighed and emptied cotton too 
Some sacks were even bigger than me 

But, I didn’t quit 
I know it sounds funny 
Oh, I prayed hunny 
I prayed until God got tired of me
And, gave me this house you see 

I had to ‘tend to the hogs, the chickens 
And, everything ‘round me 
But, I didn’t quit 
Talkin’ to the Father is key 

In the rain and bitter cold 
I walked more than ten miles 
To school with books and a smile 
I wanted to learn chil’ 

I was only four years old 
When I started workin’ for the Master 
Others - - I tried to help 
Now I’m ninety-two - blessed 

With courage and grace 
Stay, stay in the race 
Keep tryin’ and tryin’ 
Sometimes it might get rough 

But, never forget to pray 
And, please don’t quit

A touch of love from
Sunshine & Rainbows 


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