Your Magic is Extraordinary

Remember the magic surrounding the story of Cinderella? Remember her shoes and how mystical they were? The phenomenal thing about life is whatever is for you is for you, and nobody can take it away. You can't put the same shoe on every foot. The same shoes that so many might try, but can't fit - - is because they were designed exclusively for the right foot. We sometimes miss our blessings and lose our dreams when we abandon them. We walk away from our authentic selves by ensuing things that are not in line with our true calling. To veritably enter into a time and space of change one must first distance oneself from the mundane, the madness, and being trapped by one's own insecurities. Wake up, find your magic and become conscious, become courageous, and squad with the right people. Those who are in a better position than you are, and build on principles. When we anchor with the wrong choices we find ourselves in a commonplace called medi...