Plant Dreams

How do I define growth? Well, my definition of growth is being committed and motivated to exceed your current state. It’s learning to be inspired by one's own desires not by what is suggested or by trying to measure who you are by someone else’s measuring stick. It’s what you envision, aspire, and fervidly go after. Plant your dreams! I believe as you weather variances in unpredictable seasons you will experience growth.

Consider not all flowers bloom year-round. The annual live for just one season. But the perennial is hardy and undemeaning they keep coming back. So, whatever your reality is don’t blame the season. Your current situation doesn’t have to dictate your final destination. Never allow any situation to cause you to sink or become discouraged because circumstances tried to put you in a box and tuck you away.

Bare in mind flowers get their nutrients from the soil and they bloom. Just raise your ex-pec-ta-tions and come to be.

A touch of love from,

Sunshine & Rainbows


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