As The World Turns


Meet Marine Combat Instructor Trainer of Water Survival (MCITWS) Sgt. Alyssa Triplett.

Black women were thought to not have a fighting chance at this opportunity because of the misconception that black women can't swim that well. Successfully, Alyssa Triplett has proven that to be fiction. She has become the first woman to graduate from the rigorous Scout Swimmer Training course at EWTGPAC near San Diego, CA, and the first black woman in history to train navy seals and marine recon soldiers.

So, dreams do come true every day. If you really want to soar and make the world turn can't nothing or nobody stand in between you and your dream. It takes preparation, commitment, dedication, perseverance, and action.

Abandon all the excuses and trust yourself. Faith without work is dead. Blaming others or claiming people won't help is an excuse that gets you nowhere. Don't allow passivity to rob you of your dream. When you bet on yourself you're making an investment into your own future. One must become supremely dedicated to self and to one's vision.

The next time you become discouraged lean into yourself and find your authenticity. Nothing can become more clear than when you take a look in the mirror and ask yourself "what have you done for me lately"?

A touch of love from,

Sunshine & Rainbows


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