Did Your Mama Teach You Anything?


Normal people don’t go around trying to destroy other people.  Furthermore, strong people don’t put others down.  Take a step back and put yourself in the other person’s shoes.  Then ask yourself would you want someone to treat you the way you’re treating others?  The answer is no.  First and foremost you wouldn’t be able to handle it.  Especially, if you have to plot and hide behind despicable shady lies. Then sit back and listen to what others are saying or thinking about another because of your mischief. Other people aren’t dumb and you’re not smart. If you don’t feel some kind of awful “did your mama teach you anything”?  Probably not if you think it’s a sport and you’re winning.  

To the strong sistas, you may encounter many vicious attacks, but it may be necessary so you can know who you are, what you can rise above, and who you wouldn’t want to be.

A touch of love from,

Sunshine & Rainbows


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