Finding Your Groove

You were purposefully created to bring blessings to others. It's about finding God's groove for your life, just like a musician discovering the perfect melody for their song.

God crafted you uniquely, ensuring that no one else can replicate your design. It's not merely about imitating others; it's about aligning with God's guidance, forging your own path, and allowing Him to work through you to fulfill His plan.

If you find yourself succeeding at the expense of others or by mirroring them, it's time for introspection. Abraham's esteemed reputation stemmed from his faithful adherence to God's purpose, influencing his generation profoundly. As a descendant of Abraham (Gal 3:29), you inherit the same blessings and carry the responsibility to make a positive impact.

So let's keep it real: there's a distinction between drawing inspiration from others, engaging in competition or imitation. Straying from God's path not only hinders your growth but also obstructs His divine plan for your life.

All you have to do is crank it up and groove to your God given rhythm. And, just like a beautiful ballad, the notes of uniqueness contributes to the harmonious beauty of inspiration.

A touch of love from,
Aurora L. Threats
Sunshine & Rainbows


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