My Little Mustard Seed


Life’s storms often arrive unexpectedly, shaking our world and leaving us uncertain about what’s next. But I’ve come to realize that not every storm is meant to devastate us. Some storms come to bring the rain we need to plant new dreams and nurture growth we never saw coming.

One evening, I was watching the news and saw a storm brewing in the gulf. The sky was an ominous slate-gray, heavy with thick, churning clouds that promised more than just a passing shower. Instead of feeling anxious, I saw an opportunity. I went to my garden patch, broke up the ground, and turned over the soil, knowing that the storm—along with its rain—was on its way. I scattered my mustard seeds across the freshly tilled earth, trusting that the rain would nourish the soil, even if some seeds were washed away. 

That night, the storm came, and the rain poured down. By morning, my mustard greens were already sprouting through the soil. What could have been seen as a threat became a major break through the very source of new life.

Storms in life often work the same way. They may feel like setbacks, but they can clear the way for new beginnings. When we embrace life’s challenges—turning over the soil of our lives and planting fresh hopes, dreams, or goals—the storm can actually bring unexpected growth. Sometimes, what looks like destruction is really just making room for something greater.

Not every storm comes to tear us down. Some come to nourish us, providing exactly what we need to grow into a stronger, better version of ourselves. After the storm, we can rebuild—not just what was lost, but something far more meaningful and fulfilling.

So, the next time life sends you a storm, don’t be discouraged. It might just be preparing the ground for new dreams, and the rain could be watering the seeds of a future you never imagined.

A touch of love from,

Sunshine & Rainbows


  1. Amen! This is beautiful and so true. I've learned to take one day at a time. Thank you for sharing. May the Lord continue to use you for his GLORY ❤ keep doing great things in your life!


  3. Amen! This is AWESOME and so very true. I needed this today. As you stated the storms sometimes does not come to tear us down sometimes it comes to nourish us. Thank you and continue and to allow God to use you.


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