Grooving To Your Own Melody


Success isn't about being in a contest or a race based on popularity, wealth, or education. It doesn't hinge on who you know, titles, accolades or material possessions. It's not about trying to outshine every star above.                                    

It's about continual growth, dedicated service and unyielding authenticity. Stay true to your path, sculpting a way out of no way and unlocking your potential to reveal the masterpiece within. It's about not leaning solely on your own understanding, instead, it's about hope, faith and belief. It's not about trying to erase someone else's dreams; it should be a journey of self-realization.

Real success is about discovering and embracing who you were created to be. It's about staying true to your path, it's aligning and walking with God's purpose, and allowing the beauty of your journey to shine without the need for perceived superiority. So when they ask, "who do you think you are?" Respond confidently, I'm a game changer, I'm the creator of my own narrative, the conductor of my own song. I groove to the melody of my every dream, and to the rhythm of boundless possibility!

A touch of love from,
Aurora L. Threats
Sunshine & Rainbows 


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