Walking With My Thoughts

As I journey through life, gathering inspiration from the world around me, I am reminded that creativity knows no bounds. Just like the rich flavors of a gumbo, my literary adventure is a fusion of experiences, emotions, and reflections. The image captured here, where I walk, observe, think, and collect my thoughts, reflects my creative process.

Much like the diverse ingredients that make a gumbo special, 'A Gumbo of Poems & Quotes' is a literary feast that brings together a myriad of emotions and experiences. It's a reminder that the world is full of stories waiting to be woven into the fabric of our lives.
In the end, this book is a testament to the power of words, the beauty of inspiration, and the joy of sharing poetry that touch the heart and stir the soul. I invite you to savor every page, just as I savor each step of my literary trek.

As the holiday season draws near I encourage you to share the gift of inspiration and magic with those you cherish. And remember, if you see someone talking to themselves on their walk, they're probably just brainstorming their next bestseller!!!

A touch of love from,
Aurora L. Threats

Sunshine & Rainbows


  1. I want a copy! But I lost all of my contacts 6 months ago


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