Supercilious - Best Kid's Movie


Supercilious - Best Kid's Movie

Aurora Threats the visionary behind Supercilious.  Aurora's message of inspiration is to be inclined to think, to align, and to listen to your instinct - - trust it.  Your instinct is a natural frequency that no one can see, feel or hear except you.  

Supercilious (su-per-cil-i-ous) was a winner in the IBDFF in Ontario, CA.  Aurora made the conscious decision to take her poem from words on paper and bring it to life in a special way.  And, just like that the words stepped off the page and into an award-winning screenplay inside the International Film Festival circuit.

Supercilious is an adorable short film that encourages any and all to do amazing things especially when you've been written off.  If Belle can rise above expectation, from the bottom to the top.  You can too.  Give no attention to anything negative and it will have no power over you.

A touch of love from


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