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Aurora Threats is the creator, writer and executive producer of “Supercilious" an internationally acclaimed short film.  Supercilious is a never done before short film collaboration between the United States and Ghana, Africa. 
This awe-inspiring film is an adaptation of a heartwarming poem written by Threats (pronounced "threets"). 
Supercilious has earned global recognition winning "Best Animation" in Paris, France. It's an "Official Selection" in both Ghana, Africa, and Toronto, Canada.
It is a beautifully framed 9 minute story about a young Belle who was shunned by her friends.  She was made to feel the disdain until one day she discovered her hidden treasures. 
Belle entered a pageant hoping to finish first and wow a standing ovation.  Yay!  Belle is a winner!  The cheers, the energy and the rah-rahs!!
Chart your own path know there’s one thing for sure if you have a mother and her compelling love, a loyal and true doggy whose paw prints are imprinted upon your heart all you have to do is drive.
Belle realized that no matter what it feels like, what it sounds like, what it looks like rock your  confidence like it’s nobody’s business.  As things go, Belle went from being an outcast to becoming."that girl" an inspiration to others.  
Aurora Threats nailed it …  Supercilious fosters a moral lesson and a skyward journey of self discovery.  Hold on to hope, to faith and believe that you can and you will.  
Supercilious the animated short film has a giftedness ….  like “reading a book watching a film or a play they all cause the imagination to drift, to travel someplace fantastical this is their comparability”. 


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