Supercilious Soars: A Worldwide Success

Supercilious is a beautiful 9 min animated short film about courage, hope, and success.  It’s charming, and receiving lots of love here, there, and everywhere across the globe.

The story was written by Aurora L. Threats, directed by Cedric Williams, Jr., voice actress Sophia Ruby, creative director Eben Yelson, music composer Tony Clark and producer George Ohan.

This creative team is out of the ordinary … in the midst of a global pandemic, they made it happen and together developed a winning project.

Matter of fact, this is the first short film animation collaboration between the US and Ghana.  As expressed by creative director Eben Yelson a native of Ghana.  Remarkably, in the midst of winning Supercilious has earned a place in world history.

“This project marks a significant collaboration between U.S. and Ghanaian talent, highlighting the creative synergy across cultures and being the very first of its kind.” (Fulton Film Ghana Limited)


  1. Good morning and congratulations Gramfam

  2. You’re a very talented and beautiful young lady! We love you Aurora Threats and this world 🌎 needs more beautiful soul’s like yourself! Again we love you A T❤️

  3. Congratulations GRAMFAM. Excellent article and awesome work.

  4. It is an honor to be part of this creative global journey. Thanks to God for rewarding our collective creative efforts. This is just the beginning…

  5. It’s a blessing! Our collaboration between the U.S. and Ghana pioneered new ground. Excited for what’s ahead!

  6. Was such an amazing experience and I am so honored to have been a part of it all


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