Ready Set Go

 On that note, what is enlightenment?  It’s, an OMG I didn’t know that!  Or, I get it now!  Reaching awareness is a bit like winning, or discovering something you didn’t know previously.  It hit without warning “like a ton of bricks”.  The odds are now in your favor.  Get this, sometimes on the way to a dream you discover a new one.  No one can expect the unexpected - but, at any given moment you can become alert.

Maybe you discovered by traveling to a village, a small town, or even the country that fashion does not start in the stores.  Maybe while on this journey you discovered how relaxing it is to be away from the hustle and bustle of the city.  You might discover that grand daddy’s farm is not just animals, but it’s a moneymaking business.  At long last that which you never thought you could do it’s clear now that you can.

When that light goes off you feel you can do anything.  Your life that once felt empty is now full of possibilities.  You’re so excited you can fly, leap or run. - - Without further ado "on your mark, get set, go!

A touch of love from
Sunshine & Rainbows  


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