Change The Channel

What a beautiful day?  The skies are so clear, there’s not a cloud in the sky.  A walk on the trail seeing the flowers bloom as a gentle breeze makes me feel fine, blowing through the jasmine in my mind.  The poetic mood and the euphoria of stopping to smell the roses, and experiencing an intense pleasure of happiness are not only refreshing but encountering a positive mindset. 

The beautiful thing about time and space is along the path of life one can freely collect encouraging moments and jump off the train of thoughts that’s taking you nowhere at any given time.

It's coming to realize, all the more reasons to go off the grid and look for inspiration that will keep you moving forward.  When others look at you all they can see is light. Because once you find yourself and start living your best life there's peace within.  Be the type of person winning not because you’re in a competition, but because you changed “the channel”.  

You now understand that “until you spread your wings, you have no idea how high you can fly”.

A touch of love from,

Sunshine & Rainbows


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