The Power Of Love

As I am just sitting on my sofa looking out the window into the universe I thought to myself.  Love is everything.  It’s everywhere.  Love is the most powerful phenomenon in all of creation. Love is light, it is so amazingly beautiful to observe, something so warming and peaceful to cozy up to, and something so thrilling to share with others. It knows no reason, it has no limit and it never ever dies.  

In the words of Frankie Beverly, it’s a happy feeling.  Once it’s in the air and it enters the heart it brings joy so pure it’s inspiring.  Love is that wonderful thing that keeps the world turning.  It makes you smile, it makes you cry, it makes you beam and it's that magic that completes your every dream.

It is so extraordinary it's almost indescribable.  It so stirring others can hear it in the words you speak, see it in your eyes, and even feel it in their own hearts.  Love is the most beautiful thing known to exist.  It's so perfect it causes darkness to fade.

Think about it ... Love is the most beautiful thing to hold inside one's heart. 


A touch of love from
Sunshine and Rainbows


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