Set it off right where you are right now. Hey, you to the left, hey you to the right take stock in your life. For now, we are in a season. Live in the moment and make the best of it. Seasons do change. Wearing summer clothes in the middle of winter has never made summer arrive any sooner. Therefore deal with where you are joyful. Find out what God would have you do to occupy your time, talents, and energy this day, this week, and try not to look any further. The word says to concentrate on today for tomorrow and its troubles would come soon enough.There will never be a time like right now in your life to do all that you have ever longed to do. To accomplish whatever goals you have set for yourself. And yes, you should have goals! Find out what it is and get busy! Begin where you are. Be faithful with the little things.
Go ahead, get on with the business of living the immediate life with all that is within you. Be all that you can be now. The rest will come soon enough.
A touch of love from
Sunshine and Rainbows
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