Seeing Red

 I came across a story and thought it merited sharing.  Sometimes we become so infuriated as the ol’ saying goes you “start seeing red”.  Try not to allow your emotions to get the best of you.  In the end, we ruin friendships, relationships, family-ships, our own lives until we sink like a ship.  Alternatively, rather than becoming acrimonious take a deep breath and think to yourself, I was wrong I am going to apologize.  Sometimes even if you weren’t wrong just have enough empathy to understand.  Here’s the story: 

There was a snake that crawled over a sharp saw and was cut. In anger the snake wrapped the saw with its thick body and proceeded to squeeze the life out of the saw. With each angry squeeze, it felt more pain but continued because it wasn’t going to let the saw get away with the pain it caused it. The snake refusing to let go of the saw eventually died, not knowing the whole time he needed to let go of the initial pain and focus on its future and where it was going. Instead, the snake, unfortunately, lost its life and didn’t even see it coming.  Control your anger, and don’t give others power over you.

After reading this short what do you think?  Here’s my take away.  I suppose holding on to anger or grudges leads to self-destruction.  You punish yourself.  Letting go and forgiving is the highest, most beautiful form of love.  In return, you will receive untold bliss of joy, peace, and happiness.

A touch of love from,
Sunshine & Rainbows


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