Lying Like A Dog

Have you ever heard the idiom "lying like a dog"? While dogs don't tell untruths, people often do. Some lie for various reasons: to avoid admitting the truth, to maintain power, to hide guilt, to save face, to protect someone, or even to shame someone.

Some lies are meant to perpetuate wrongdoing, with the hope that others will accept and overlook the deception. However, it's important to remember that a lie doesn't transform the truth, and wrong actions don't become right just because they are accepted by the majority. Wrong remains wrong, regardless of how the truth is twisted.

Choosing honesty over falsehood is always the better path. Lies can lead to a life of evasion, constant worry, strained relationships, and a sense of victimhood. Those who suffer from habitual lying, or what we might call "liarrhea," often believe their own falsehoods, but ultimately, it's a self-inflicted burden.

Always remember that the truth has no cost, but a lie can exact a heavy toll on your life and relationships.

In conclusion, honesty, like a ray of sunshine amidst the rain, brings clarity and peace.

A touch of love from,
Aurora L. Threats
Sunshine & Rainbows 


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