Glow In The Dark

Let your glow be the fire that lights the world. Stop discouraging your dreams with questions like what if I fall, but what if you fly?  Stay uplifted and become a synonym for GLOW:  beam, blaze, luminosity, shine, light, truth. Remain on the bright side with those who want to see you win the right way, those who believe in you, those who applaud you for positive reasons, and those who encourage you.  

If you encounter darkness flip the switch and be the light.  Take up your shield and extinguish your flame.  Put on the “whole armor of God.” That includes girding yourself with “truth,” wearing the “breastplate of righteousness,” protecting your feet with the “gospel of peace,” off-setting the attack by the “shield of faith,” protecting your mind by the “helmet of salvation,” and finally use the “sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God.

Be the light of attraction and glow in the dark.  I find in being me, a thing of fascination:  a joy, a strength, and a secret cup of gladness that comes from within that I always affectionally and lovingly desire to share with everyone else.

A touch of love from,
Sunshine & Rainbows


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