Mismatched Friends

Mismatched Friends


As much as people refuse to believe it, the company we keep does have an impact and influence on our choices.  We can be “unequally yoked” with the people we call “friends”.  Mismatched friendships can be bad company that corrupts good character.  The Bible reveals to us that we are not to be unequally yoked with unbelievers, that we are to stay away from people who cause divisions and offenses and to withdraw from every brother who walks disorderly.


This is not to say you are better than the next person it’s saying you have the presence of God in your life.  Your journey is spiritual and having the wrong people in your circle of influence can hinder the plans God has for you in your life.  You may be open to growing and maturing, and they resist growth and their tendencies might hold you back when you start a journey that’s different than their own.  So, at some point, you might have to ask yourself what fellowship can light have with darkness?  


A final thought, he who makes himself a friend of the world makes himself an enemy of God.

A touch of love from,

Sunshine & Rainbows


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