The Next Chapter

The Next Chapter 

In this next chapter of life surround yourself with new characters.  Those characters who give you perspective, inspiration, and positive energy.  Those who are happy, supportive, walking the walk, and not just talking.  Most importantly disassociate yourself from negativity, small-mindedness, and share this period of time with those who are living a purpose-driven life.

You’ve been through 2020 and it has had many twists and turns. Nonetheless, it has given you a chance to redefine your role.  Your role should be one that takes you to a new level of empowerment.  Allow your passion to permeate every page, paragraph, and sentence of your new chapter.

Look around and inhale the beauty of each and every day.  Appreciate the moment and practice thanking God constantly.  Everything the devil plucked from you will be restored and watch the atmosphere change.  See how the previous chapter really wasn’t the end, but the beginning.  Take your cue from God and then applaud because when he shows up he’s going to show out.

This time live your life, but give God the pen to do the writing.

A touch of love from,

Sunshine & Rainbows


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