The Recipe


Here's to you from my cookbook - - I share with you the recipe for "happiness".  A heart filled with love, a heap of understanding, plenty of faith, two cups of patience, sift in a cup of kindness it's like sugar, and add a dash of laughter it adds flavor. 

Combine it all together and serve it to everyone you meet.  Treat others the way you would want to be treated it's paradisical.  

It's in the pudding, happiness doesn't result from what we have, but from what we give.  In point of fact, we have ourselves to remind us of love.  If one desires to be happy one has to treat others with kindness.  It's no secret your mind and your heart have to believe in the above.  These things whisked together are delectable - - it's a pleasant feeling that wafts into the air and causes a windfall.

You smile, I smile.  This recipe is out of this world - - 

A touch of love from,

Sunshine & Rainbows


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